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How to repair a bicycle puncture?

When you own a bike, you always wonder how to fix your bike. But, as a cyclist, we always have lots of questions. What can I do myself? What should I have a bike mechanic do? Today, we tell you how to fix a bike puncture.

What do I need to fix a flat tire?

A flat tire is the most common bicycle breakdown. To repair a bike flat, you're going to need some tools:

  • A tire iron;
  • An inner tube;
  • Patches;
  • A bicycle pump;

If the puncture is not repairable, simply change the inner tube.
If you are at home, in order to locate the puncture site more easily, use a basin of water with a little soap in which to soak the inner tube after reinflating it. Indeed, at the place of the hole, bubbles will appear.

How to repair a flat tire.

To fix a flat tire, the first step is to remove the wheel from the bike. Then, slip a tire iron between the rim and tire of your bike to pry it off and then go all the way around the wheel with it before gently pulling the tube out.

When riding out, the easiest way to fix a flat tire is to simply change the tube. Indeed, at the side of the road, it is not always obvious to locate the location of the puncture.
Alternatively, if you can identify the hole on the inner tube, you'll need to position a patch after lightly sanding the inner tube with sandpaper and applying some patch glue before letting it dry for a few minutes.

Before you put your tube back in, run your hand inside the tire to check for any remaining thorns, bits of glass, or holes in the tire that would instantly cause a new flat.

Inflate your tube a bit before replacing the tube inside the tire, being careful not to pinch it. Close the tire with the tire levers and then reinflate your tube completely. Finally, reposition your wheel on your bike. You're ready to ride again.

Think about always having a repair kit and a bike pump with you on your rides. To prevent punctures, you can also use preventive fluid to apply to the inside of the tire.

Now that you are able to fix a bike puncture, how about finding out about other things you can fix yourself. Do you know how to fix a tubeless road bike tire?
How to change the wheel on your bike? How to fix a bike chain? How to put a patch on? How to fix a mountain bike disc brake?


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