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What is triathlon? Decoding

Have you ever heard of Ironman, but don't really know what triathlon is? Sports involved, equipment needed, transitions, competitions... Let's go for an overview of this fantastic discipline!

What is triathlon?

As the name suggests, triathlon is a chained discipline that combines three sports: swimming, cycling and running. The triathlon events always follow each other in that order, without stopping the clock. This means that the transition times between the different practices are factored into the final result. So you have to be efficient and fast during the event, but also during the changes.

A sport as impressive as it is demanding, triathlon originated in the United States in the 1970s. Since the creation of the French Triathlon Federation (F.F.TRI.) in 1989, the discipline has gained popularity in France. Its legendary and uncommon side has seduced many triathletes!

It is easy to understand why: beyond surpassing oneself, the athlete apprehends three types of sports practices. A triple effort for a variety of sensations on the saddle, on the track or in the pool!

What are the distances in triathlon?

To know everything about triathlon, you have to look at the distances covered. The sequence of events actually takes place in several formats. The distances also vary from sport to sport: cycling covers most of the race miles, followed by running and then swimming. The classification distinguishes between short distance and long distance triathlon.

Short formats:

XS (Discovery) 400 m 10 km 2.5 km
S (Sprint) 750 m 20 km 5 km
M (Olympic Distance) 1.5 km 40 km 10 km

Long formats:

L 3 km 80 km 30 km
XL 4 km 120 km 30 km
XXL 3.8 km 180 km 42.195 km

In long-distance triathlons, there are also the famous Ironman and half-ironman, the "lighter" version. Each year, thousands of participants jostle to cross the finish line at the end of a distance XXL sold by a marathon. A madness for some, a true myth for the triathlete!

Many labeled long-distance races take place in majestic settings: Alpsman, Ventouxman, Natureman, Embrunman... So many sceneries worthy of this superhuman effort.

Shorter competitions are organized for young people according to their age, starting at 6 years old. There are also events derived from triathlon: cross triathlon, snow triathlon, aquathlon, duathlon, swimrun, bike and run, etc.

Who can do triathlon?

Everyone! Triathlon is for anyone who wants to discover this linked discipline. Rest assured, you don't need to do an Ironman to be a triathlete!

Most beginner triathletes first test the short formats before gradually moving on to longer distances... or not. If the majority dream of joining the community of Ironman finishers, short distance triathlon also has its followers. Occasional practitioner or club member, leisure or competition, to each his own pace ! It is also a sport that is practiced in teams with relay championships.

The beauty of triathlon lies in the intersection of three complementary disciplines that you will have to learn to master. The opportunity for a new challenge for swimmers, cyclists or trailers seasoned in the image of Laurent Jalabert, former cyclist crowned Ironman 70.3 world champion in his category! For those who aim for performance, specific training, good effort management and a mind of steel will allow you to push your limits to reach new heights.

What equipment for the triathlete?

Who says triathlon, says triple equipment! To practice the discipline in good conditions, the triathlete needs to equip himself for each sport:

- In swimming, you will need the basics: swimsuit, hat and goggles. Bring equipment to train with such as fins, pads, pull-buoy and elastic.

- For swimming, you will need the basics: swimsuit, hat and goggles

- For cycling, you obviously need a road bike or mountain bike for the cross triathlon. Also essential: bike helmet, goggles, gloves, puncture kit, bike jersey, cycling shorts, special triathlon shoes, water bottle and snacks.

- For cycling, you will need a bike helmet

- When running, technical clothing that offers efficient sweat wicking and running or trail shoes.

For your first competitive triathlon, there are a few extra items to consider, starting with the triathlete's signature outfit: the trifunction. A unique set for all events. And yes, remember: every second counts! To save time when changing, you can actually buy a transition bag or methodically organize your stuff.

Another investment to anticipate when competing: the triathlon suit. The rules state that it's mandatory when the water temperature is 16°C or below and prohibited above 23°C.

Don't wait any longer to dare to discover this fabulous discipline, and above all, don't forget to have fun. Triathlon rhymes with passion!



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