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News VIP EKOI INSIDE June 2023


Dear members of the EKOÏ VIP club, we're particularly pleased to have you back for this May INSIDE newsletter.
Welcome to those who join us.

The programme includes a wealth of previously unpublished information, inside information and highlights... including two videos released before they even hit the virtual networks (!)
In a nutshell, we invite you once again to experience Ekoï from behind the scenes, alongside those who, like you, make Ekoï happen.

A crazy "inside" 100% EKOÏ!

To kick off this newsletter with a bang, we're bringing you a little treat that's 100% exclusive! And that's just the tip of the iceberg! Our reporter, Sylvain, had the opportunity (and indeed the chance... let's just say it) to go behind the scenes of the ISRAEL Premier-Tech team's logistical vehicles in Girona, Spain. For you, and just for you, here's the video of an exclusive look behind the scenes of the champions' trucks!

Impressive, instructive, unusual! Youtube video

Ekoï is of interest to the press...

As in previous months, Ekoï continued to attract media attention in May. 

Eblue Ride magazine, which specialises in e-bikes and mountain bikes, got the ball rolling. Journalist Adrien spent a day, camera and Dictaphone in hand, exploring the company. He had come to discuss the new full-face helmet with Dorian (Product Manager/Mountain Bike), and was particularly interested in the customisation department. 

And he told us he was very pleasantly surprised by the local expertise of our technicians and the precision with which they customised the glasses and helmet. Our cheeky lens took a shot of the photographer himself taking a photo. An amusing mise en abyme.

A few days later, Nicolas Perthuis from Vélo Magazine paid us a visit. Accompanied by photographer Claire Gaby, he had a chat with Stéphane Rossetto (head of sponsorship) around a table covered in... time trial suits.
Curious and a bit nosy, our camera and microphone discreetly moved closer to the latter to try and catch the tenor of their conversation... What we can tell you is that it concerned the latest innovations in aerodynamics, revolved around fabrics, talked about watts gained... In a nutshell, it was technical and to the point!

Read the article in the June issue of Vélo Magazine, currently on sale at newsstands. As a bonus, here's a shot of Stéphane reading it...

A few days later, on a completely different note, we welcomed to our offices two 'freelancers' from the magazine L'Echappée.
A duo of passionate Ekoï enthusiasts from head to toe, they paid us a friendly courtesy visit. Over a cup of coffee in the showroom, they relaxed and savoured the end of their imperial cycling journey. An imperial journey, since they travelled from Grenoble to Saint-Raphaël along the famous Route Napoléon. Read about their adventures and product tests in the next issue of L'Echappée.

Jean-Pierre Papin: king of hearts

For several newsletters now, we've been bringing you regular reports on the visits we receive from top athletes here at EKOÏ's headquarters in the South of France.

These visits show the close relationship that your brand maintains with top-level athletes from the world of cycling, triathlon and other sports.

As seen from the inside, these have one thing in common: simplicity and conviviality.

The highlight of May was a visit from ... Jean-Pierre Papin.

The former French footballer, a legendary attacker for OM in the 90s and famous for his 'papinades' (acrobatic flips), came as the patron of the charity 'Neuf de coeur', which fights brain damage and for which he has organised an annual cyclosportive since 2010 that attracts more than a thousand cyclists. He told us that he covers almost 8,000 kilometres a year.

Jean-Pierre was smiling, energetic and interested, as he presented us with the official cycling jersey in the colours of Olympique Marseille, a personalised Gara helmet, signed the wall of legends (showroom) and talked to our engineers.

Eric, our purchasing manager and a great admirer and friend of the footballer, was particularly pleased to welcome him to Ekoï for the first time. And his fan-like smile in the photo says it all!

Some of you may be at the start of the 'JPP' on 2 July. Two of our staff will be at the start: Eric (the same one) and Alban, the Marketing Director.

Matt Hanson: an American in Fréjus

American triathlete Matt Hanson (helmet and goggles ambassador) was in the South of France to scout the course for the Nice IRONMAN, which will take place in September. He took the opportunity to pay us a visit at EKOÏ headquarters.

It was an excellent opportunity for him to pick up a superbly personalised pair of Premium glasses, talk technology with Jean-Christophe Rattel (creator of Ekoï) and discuss his next goals in sport. Just for you, here's the full 5-minute filmed interview Matthew gave us.

Matt Hanson Interview - YouTube

EKOÏ Team Building Day

When Ekoï employees get together for a team-building day, they inevitably talk about...cycling. We didn't have to go far to find a fun playground for everyone. Just a short drive from the company's head office in Fréjus, France, you'll find the sublime Estérel massif, with its unique red rocks.
A must-see if you're in the area.

It was in the heart of this wonderful natural area that the teams from the various departments got together to cover a few kilometres in a good-natured atmosphere. A collective state of mind was also very much in evidence at breakfast and lunchtime. Here are a few photos taken during this memorable day in May.


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