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Our buying guide to find your ATV glasses

Hesitant to buy goggles for riding in the mountains or woods? A good pair of glasses is a must-have item in the equipment needed for mountain biking. They protect the eyes and the upper part of the face against many factors of aggression: sun, rain, projectiles... How to choose your cycling glasses? Which protection index should you choose for your sunglasses? Polarizing or photochromic lenses? Removable, rimmed or half-rimmed frames? Ekoï offers you a complete guide with 8 carefully examined buying criteria. So, are you ready to find the right pair of mountain bike glasses for your riding? Watch out for the eyes!

Mountain bike glasses: essential or superfluous?

Have you ever seen mountain bikers coming back from their Sunday outing with their faces covered in mud? If you still doubted it, you should now understand why it is essential to wear glasses when mountain biking!

The eye is a precious and fragile organ, subjected to a severe test during bike rides. Between the climatic factors and the risks of projections of all kinds, glasses are not a luxury, but a real necessity.

Multifunction, the pair of glasses ensures the safety of your eyes by offering multiple protection:

  • against the sun, both in terms of UV rays and the glare associated with high light levels (hey yes, there is such a thing as ocular sunburn!);
  • against the wind to avoid the formation of tears that would blur your vision
  • against the rain to keep your eyes dry;
  • against external projections, which are particularly common in mountain biking: mud, dust, pebbles, sand;
  • against insects and other gnats that can disturb the view and force you to stop.

Because of their barrier function, glasses are a great ally for all cyclists!

1. CE marking on mountain bike glasses

To be sure you are buying a reliable product, first check that your pair of glasses has the "CE" marking. Affixing this means that the glasses are approved according to the NF EN ISO 12312-1 2013 standard. It guarantees that the product meets the construction and performance requirements imposed by the legislation.

In addition, you must have an information leaflet detailing the characteristics of your glasses. This is mandatory.

2. The category of lenses

Contrary to what you might think, UV protection is not related to the tint of the lens, but to its filtering power. Thus, dark glasses are effective in fighting glare, but do not necessarily offer sufficient protection against solar radiation, and vice versa. Beware of tinted plastic, then!

The standards in force distinguish five classes of protection, ranging from 0 to 4 depending on the degree of sunlight. The choice of the category and tint of your glasses is thus to be adapted according to the weather during your mountain biking outings:

  • Category 0: these clear lenses do not protect against UV. They are reserved for use at night or in very low light.
  • Category 1: these glasses filter between 20 and 57% of light, and are therefore useful when the sky is overcast or in the presence of fog.
  • Category 2: glasses intended to be worn on partially cloudy days.
  • Category 3: this is the one most suitable for cyclists thanks to its optimal UV protection. It is ideal in case of strong light, in order to keep a good vision even in full sun and prevent premature aging of the retina.
  • Category 4: these glasses are suitable for situations where the light is exceptionally powerful. It is intended for practitioners of winter or water sports.

If a nice pair of glasses is in your eye, be sure to check the category of the glasses first before falling for the model spotted.

We recommend that you look primarily at Mountain Bike Goggles of category 3 to effectively protect your eyes from the sun's rays and avoid being dazzled. However, it's helpful to also own a set of category 1-2 lenses so you can go out on a gray day and still have sufficient clarity.

3. The typology of sunglasses

Beyond the categorization of lenses, it is worth looking at the type of lenses. The majority of ATV lenses are made of polycarbonate. This particularly tough polymer makes glasses unbreakable for toughness.

The technology used is a purchasing criterion to consider. You will mainly have the choice between:

  • Polarizing lenses: they offer a tremendous level of contrast, bringing out all the details of the route you're taking, and significantly improve vision in bright light. The risk of glare is eliminated and visual fatigue is reduced.
  • Photochromic lenses: the particularity of these lenses lies in their versatility, as they have the ability to color according to the light conditions. Their tint lightens and darkens according to your route and the shaded areas you cross. Handy also when the weather is changing!
  • Mirror lenses: thanks to Iridium technology, these lenses improve solar reflection and give a sporty, assertive and modern look.

The lenses of mountain bike glasses sometimes undergo specific treatments to improve their performance, with anti-fog, water repellent or even oleophobic properties.

4. The corrective lens option

Not easy to ride a mountain bike with prescription glasses when it's sunny! Every seasoned rider knows this: it's a highly inadvisable practice.

While contact lenses coupled with a pair of sunglasses are a feasible alternative, the best solution is definitely to invest in corrective lenses. Some brands offer models with the ability to incorporate eye correction. An option that should appeal to practitioners with vision problems!

This is the case at Ekoï: we've modulated our best-sellers with sight-adjusted lenses to allow you to pedal in the best possible conditions, with minimal strain.

The process is just a few clicks away. Simply enter the key information from your prescription (sphere, cylinder, axis, half pupillary distance of your two eyes) to order your glasses with corrective lenses.

We also offer models that can accommodate an optical insert to clip onto the nose bridge, behind the screen.

5. The type of frame

After the lenses, it's time to talk about the frame of your future glasses. Let's sift through the different types of frames found on the market:

  • Ringed frame sunglasses: the entire lens is trapped by the frame. Rigid and strong, they offer ideal strength for off-roading.
  • Half rimmed sunglasses: the frame does not cover the lower part of the lenses. They are therefore lighter, but also more fragile.
  • Removable frame sunglasses: versatile, they offer the mountain biker the ability to juggle between the two options since the bottom of the lens can come off. With the bottom frame in place, the lens is not likely to nick the face in case of an unexpected fall.

Other than traditional glasses consisting of two lenses, there are pairs formed with a single lens that greatly expands the field of vision. Some wrap-around XL models cover more of the face for added protection. For more extreme disciplines like enduro or downhill, favor a mountain bike mask.

6. The notion of comfort

If the lenses provide a protective role, the frame, meanwhile, is the guarantor of your comfort! A good pair of cycling glasses must be pleasant to wear and match your face morphology. There are several buying criteria that come into play here:

  • the lightness of the product;
  • an anti-slip coating on the temples of the frame for excellent support during technical descents and passages;
  • the adjustment of the nose bridge to correctly adjust his glasses;
  • the possibility to adjust the length of the branches;
  • ventilation points on the frame to prevent fogging.

Buy comfortable, soft glasses on your nose and you'll come to forget you're wearing them!

Before ordering, be sure to check the dimensions of the glasses and the screen to make sure they fit. While glasses are often unisex, note that there are of course models for men and women, as well as for children.

7. The design of mountain bike glasses

Sunglasses are a style element in their own right in the mountain biker's outfit. And yes, aesthetics has its say!"

Cyclists are giving us a color ball with glasses in flashy hues: farting blue, fire red, emerald green, blazing orange, girly pink... there's plenty to like. Either way, they're sure to add the finishing touch to your look with their undeniable sportiness for a trendy and modern result.

Dreaming of a unique pair of mountain bike glasses? Want to stand out from other cyclists? Some brands offer to customize your glasses to your image. You have control over a whole bunch of elements: the tint of the lenses, the color of the frame, the temples, the sleeves or even the nose bridge. The icing on the cake: you sometimes even have the option of printing your name on the glasses!

8. After-race glasses

Are you a thrill-seeker and regularly participate in competitions? Once you've crossed the finish line, chances are you'll be happy to trade in your high-performance screen for some sweat-free eyewear. So a good idea is to buy a second pair of glasses dedicated to post-race, just like the pros!

These more urban models retain a sporty feel with tinted lenses that are just as effective against the sun. In fact, you can wear them as everyday sunglasses.

Other useful ATV accessories

Now that you know which sunglasses to choose, we'll give you a brief rundown of other accessories that are equally indispensable for mountain biking.

Bike helmets: while legislation only makes them mandatory for children under the age of 12, it's unthinkable to ride your mountain bike without a helmet. When riding cross-country, an all-mountain helmet with a visor will be perfect for riding in the mountains, in the undergrowth or on rocky paths. For more risky disciplines like enduro or downhill, it's best to opt for a full-face helmet that covers both the skull and the chin.

Gloves: They too are essential in mountain biking! They protect the hands from injury in case of a fall, but also from the occasional scratch while riding. In addition, they help absorb vibrations and keep a good grip on the handlebars.

Mountain Bike Shoes: It's a no-brainer, you need to get bike shoes that are suitable for off-road riding. This also means choosing the type of pedal to mount on your machine. Your selection will be different depending on your use: cross-country riding, freeride... To each discipline, its shoe!

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