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Jasper De Buyst

Jasper De Buyst

Aged nineteen, Jasper De Buyst turned pro and combined track cycling with road racing.

In 2013 and 2014 Jasper won the Lotto Six Days of Flanders-Ghent. He won a bronze medal at the madison during the World Track Cycling Championships in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in 2015with  Otto Vergaerde.

After his participation in the 2016 Olympic Games, De Buyst turned to road cycling.

This decision turned out to be judicious because in 2017, the young Belgian sprinter won 4 victories for Lotto Soudal, including Binche-Chimay-Binche and the 2nd stage of the Tour de Wallonie. Jasper participated in his 1st Tour de France in 2018 where he played the role of leader for André Greipel.


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