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Which energy drinks are favored on the Tour de France?

When following the exploits of your favorite cycling racers, you may have already asked yourself: what is the diet of a professional cycling racer? In fact, if you're a cyclist yourself, maybe you've already had the urge to try the same products they do? Today, we reveal which energy drinks are favored on the Tour de France.

What energy drink do the riders consume before the effort?

Before the effort, the energy drink (or waiting drink) consumed by the cyclist has the objective of allowing him to start the race perfectly hydrated but also to increase his carbohydrate and mineral reserves. It should be consumed within ninety minutes prior to the start of the stage or race and should be drunk in small sips so that the body assimilates it slowly.

What energy drink do runners consume during exercise?

In the energy drinks consumed during the race, preference is given to the contribution of fast and/or slow carbohydrates (to ensure the caloric intake necessary for the rider's performance), minerals (to compensate for losses due to sweating) and sometimes amino acids (depending on the effort produced).
To avoid dehydration, a cyclist must absorb at least one 500ml bottle per hour. Depending on the weather and the difficulty of the stage, a rider can thus consume between 6 and 20 water bottles per day (even if some can only contain water to rinse the mouth or spray).

What energy drink do runners consume after exercise?

After the race finish, the only watchword is to favor recovery and replenish energy reserves. This includes drinking a recovery drink that will help the runner recover by replenishing their glycogen stores and restoring their muscle fibers. It therefore contains protein powder (to replenish the muscle), minerals (to compensate for losses during exercise) and amino acids.
Some runners can still consume a drink before bed composed of water and Maltodextrin to provide additional carbohydrate intake for the next day. In addition, this helps with falling asleep.

Now that you know which energy drinks are favored in the Tour de France, how about finding out what the diet of Tour de France riders is?


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