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What clothing to choose for road cycling?

You've just bought your road bike and are now wondering what clothes to buy for road cycling? Here's a quick roundup of the must-have road bike clothing to put together the ideal cycling outfit from head to toe without forgetting anything.

The head

The first essential element of a cycling outfit is the helmet. In fact, while helmets are only mandatory for children up to the age of 12, we strongly advise you to wear one as soon as you get on your bike. It could very well save your life in case of a fall.
Under your helmet, depending on the season, you will be able to wear a cap or a bandana in the summer to protect you from the sun and insects or a thermal beanie in the winter to keep your head from getting cold.
As a complement, you will also be able to use a bandana or neck warmer to prevent air from coming in through the collar when the temperatures drop.

The upper body

When it comes to the upper body, the main element for putting together a cycling outfit is the bike jersey, which comes in three versions depending on the season: long-sleeved, short-sleeved or sleeveless. On these three variations, you will find each time pockets on the back of the jersey to store your personal belongings (keys, papers, cell phone, food, etc.).
For road cycling - and unlike mountain biking - the cycling jersey is worn close to the body in order to prioritize aerodynamics.
Cycling jerseys are designed in breathable materials to allow the rapid evacuation of perspiration and keep the cyclist dry during his ride.
Both short-sleeved and sleeveless models are made from very lightweight materials, while long-sleeved models are lined with fleece fabric.
Regardless of the season, wearing a technical undergarment under your jersey will help speed up the evacuation of sweat and keep your body dry. In the summer, it will be sleeveless or short-sleeved. In the winter, it will be worn with long sleeves.
Wearing gloves is highly recommended to avoid hand injuries in case of a fall.
For summer, short gloves are designed in light and breathable materials so that they won't get hot, while being reinforced at the palm to protect you from vibrations but also in case of a fall. They will also prevent your hands from slipping on the handlebars due to perspiration.
In the winter, the long gloves will be waterproof for rain and warm so you don't get cold at the extremities and so you can hold your handlebars and brake with precision.
And if you're cycling in winter in extreme temperatures or are just plain cold, there are even heated gloves.
shortsleeves can be used in addition to a short-sleeved jersey, especially in the mid-season when temperatures are still cool in the morning. During the outing, you can thus remove them and slip them into a pocket of your jersey.
Like the cuffs, the windbreaker, with or without sleeves, also allows you to complete your outfit in case of changing weather conditions. Very light, it can be folded up during an outing and stored in a jersey pocket.

The lower body

The bike shorts is the centerpiece when it comes to the lower body. For road cycling, cycling shorts are made of lycra and are worn tight, like a second skin, to limit friction and focus on aerodynamics. They come in three versions: short, long or corsair.
Since the physiognomy of men and women is different: there are shorts for men and shorts for women with distinct chamois leathers. Also, for practicality, most of the women's bib shorts models are strapless, while almost all of the men's models are strapless bib shorts.
Depending on the bib shorts line, some have foam caps while others have gel inserts.
Short shorts, for summer, are designed in highly breathable materials to wick away sweat.
Long shorts, intended for winter outings, are made of thermal fiber and lined with fleece. Some models are even waterproof so you can continue training in the rain.
The corsairs, intended for riding between seasons, are usually fleece-lined as well.
When the weather is changeable in the mid-season, you can put on leggings in addition to your short shorts, which you can then take off during your ride if the sun makes an appearance.

The feet

The final step in cycling attire is the feet. To pedal, you're going to need bike shoes.
Regarding the shoes, if you have opted for the automatic pedals, there are 2 systems of wedges:
The road wedges (3-point fasteners) which are not intended for walking;
The mountain bike or SPD wedges (2-point fasteners) with which it is possible to walk (and which can also be used on the road, if you are not in a search for ultimate performance). To put inside cycling shoes, the choice of bike socks is not to be neglected.
Summer models will ensure good temperature regulation, evacuation of perspiration and thus prevent you from having overheating at the feet.
Winter socks will keep your feet warm thanks to their thermal properties while playing their role to evacuate perspiration.
Finally, when it is cold or raining, it is recommended to cover your shoes with shoe covers to keep your feet dry and warm.
Obviously, the clothes used in the summer will not be the same as in winter...and vice versa.

How to dress in summer.

In summer, you should choose the lightest outfit possible and opt for breathable clothes that wick away perspiration.
And, despite the heat, you should definitely not neglect wearing a helmet and gloves for your safety.

How to dress in winter.

During your cycling activity in cold weather, it is advisable to put on three layers of clothing at the upper body level to ensure body temperature regulation and keep it dry:
A technical undergarment;
A long-sleeved jersey;
A thermal jacket.

How to dress for the half-season:

The half-season is the most delicate period for the cyclist because the weather is often changeable. Therefore, you should opt for a modular outfit during the ride with accessories that can be easily removed as the miles go by, such as cuffs, leggings or a windbreaker that can be slipped on in addition to a jersey and short shorts.
Now that you've had a glimpse of the perfect cyclist's outfit, all that's left is to gear up...and pedal. Happy riding!



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