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All about freeride mountain biking

If you're new to biking and want to learn more about the different disciplines of mountain biking, you're in the right place. Today, we're offering you a look at freeride mountain biking.

What is freeride mountain biking?

As the name implies, freeride means riding freely. This word, derived from the skiing community, can actually encompass several definitions which is why the term remains quite unclear even today.

For some, freeride mountain biking is simply a state of mind where it's all about riding freely, as you see fit, free from the rules. If we use this meaning, the discipline can therefore be practiced wherever we want, using the scenery around us (city, forest, mountain, etc.). It is thus considered a multipurpose mountain biking that encompasses several disciplines such as hiking and downhill and is thus similar, in this sense, to enduro.

For others, freeride has an extreme connotation with the search for a strong adrenaline. In this case, we can talk about extreme freeride where the pilot is then in search of strong sensations by taking steep slopes, dangerous passages (as sometimes narrow trails on the side of a cliff).
This evolution of the discipline has thus led to the creation of specific events such as the Red Bull Rampage, which takes place in the United States where participants - handpicked - must descend a canyon after having traced their own track with the strength of their arms in the days preceding the event.

What equipment to use for freeride mountain biking?

As with any mountain bike discipline where riders are required to do downhill riding, freeride requires a specific mountain bike, i.e., all-suspension with a telescopic seat and equipped with disc brakes to ensure better braking and wider tires for better grip. The freeride mountain bike is quite similar to the enduro mountain bike to allow you to handle the descents while going everywhere.

When it comes to gear, you'll need to plan to protect yourself accordingly with a full-face helmet, goggles or face mask, long gloves, back protection, knee and elbow pads.

Now that you know all about freeride mountain biking, how about doing the same with other mountain biking disciplines like downhill, marathon downhill, enduro mountain biking, all mountain biking, cross country, cross-country marathon, mountain biking, four cross, dual slalom, dirt mountain biking, street mountain biking, trials mountain biking or slopestyle?

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