
Everything you need to know about the triathlon swimming event

It's swimming that opens the triple sport! The first event of the triathlon, it is the only aquatic activity of the discipline in sequence. An impressive start that remains engraved in the memory of triathletes and spectators. Focus on the swimming triathlon part: distances, swimming technique, equipment, training ... We tell you everything!

What does the swimming event consist of?

Want to start triathlon? You're going to have to get in the water! Specifically in a lake or sea: hey yes, triathletes swim in open water during competitions. Sometimes, the swimming event can also take place in another natural environment such as a river or canal.

To give the race the green light, organizers choose between two options:

  • A group start, called a mass start: all triathletes jump into the water at the same time, spectacular!"
  • A wave start, called rolling start: swimmers dive in small groups at regular intervals.

Many people are hesitant to take up triathlon because of the swimming part. While everyone has a strength or favorite discipline, the swim event is usually the most feared of the three.

What distances in swimming for triathlon?

The swimming component is contested over different distances depending on the race format:

  • triathlon XS: 400m;
  • S triathlon: 750 m;
  • M triathlon: 1,500 m (the Olympic distance);
  • Half Ironman: 1,900 m;
  • L triathlon: 3,000 m;
  • triathlon XXL or Ironman: 3,800 m;
  • triathlon XL : 4 000 m.

Triathlon suit or triathlon suit?

Exit the swimsuit, it is the trifunction that is king in triathlon. Nevertheless, this garment is not necessarily sufficient when the water is cool, even cold. And this is often the case in lakes and in the sea!

The French Triathlon Federation (FFTRI) thus makes it mandatory to wear the triathlon suit if the water temperature is below 16 degrees to prevent any risk of hypothermia. Above 24.5 degrees, the wetsuit is conversely prohibited. Between these two values, it is up to you to choose!

Note that the neoprene wetsuit will offer better buoyancy due to its material, but will slow you down during the transition.

Which swim for triathlon?

The triathlon swimming event is swum in the crawl! However, there is no obligation stipulated in the FFTRI rules.

It is common to see budding triathletes favor the breaststroke for several reasons:

  • By keeping their head above water, beginners are better able to spot buoys and manage their breathing.
  • This stroke allows you to adjust your trajectory to avoid hits from other triathletes, which are common in mass starts.
  • The breaststroke offers a reassuring and safe side for neophyte swimmers.

What triathlon swim workout?

Many cyclists or runners don't dare participate in a triathlon because they dread the open water swim. Yet, with the right training, the progress can be dazzling!

See you soon!

Go to the pool to practice with your club or friends: once in the pool, you can learn the crawl and work specifically on triathlon swimming drills.

In terms of equipment, you will need the following: fins, pull buoy, elastic, pads. This equipment will be very useful to improve your swimming technique.

So, you will need to have the following equipment

So, get your swimming caps and goggles!

Along with your swim training, how about finding out more about the triathlon cycling event or the running portion?



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