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How to learn mountain biking ?

Now that you know thebasics of mountain biking, you may be eager to broaden your knowledge. With that in mind, perhaps you're wondering how to learn mountain biking trials.

How to learn mountain biking trial?

To learn the trials bike, there are several options available to you: take classes at a club that offers trials bike training or learn on your own through tutorials. In this article, we give you some techniques to discover the basics of trial mountain biking (beginner level).

Working on balance

One of the basics of trials is to work on your balance, which is necessary for overcoming obstacles.
To do this, you have to stand on the pedals - horizontally - with your dominant foot forward, arms and legs slightly bent. Then, you have to turn your front wheel towards the wrong foot and try to compensate the balance by tilting the bike to one side or the other. Gradually, you will be able to stay in this position longer and longer, without putting your foot on the ground.

Moving your wheels

To move your front wheel, you need to bring your center of gravity forward and then throw it back, arms straight and legs bent. For sideways movement, you need to unbalance yourself slightly to the desired side.
To move your rear wheel, you need to move forward slowly and then come to a stop with the front brake to get the rear wheel off the ground. When you manage to do it while moving, you can do it while stopped just by shifting your center of gravity to the front.
The goal is to manage to make a complete turn (in both directions) while balancing by successively moving the front and rear wheel.

Lifting the front wheel (wheeling)

Learning to lift the front wheel will later allow you to clear obstacles.
At a stop or at very slow speeds, pull on the handlebars with your arms outstretched and lift the front of the bike with a pedal stroke. If your front wheel falls back to the ground, you'll need to pedal harder or put your body back more.
Once you've mastered wheeling on the flat, you'll just have to try climbing a step or over an obstacle this way.

Now that you know how to learn trial mountain biking, how about learning the basics of downhill mountain biking and technique for learning to jump on a mountain bike?

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