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How to choose your mountain bike equipment ?

Want to get into mountain biking or complete your cycling outfit? You've come to the right place for everything about mountain biking! What is the essential equipment for mountain biking? How to choose it well to ride safely? How to protect your body from the risks of falling and from bad weather? Find all the answers to your questions with this complete guide to mountain bike equipment.

The mountain bike helmet, to protect the head

This is the number one piece of equipment you'll need to get on your machine safely. It is indeed unthinkable to ride without a helmet as soon as you ride your bike. This of course applies to mountain biking, where the variety of terrain exposes an additional risk of head injury, which, remember, is the leading cause of death among cyclists.

Wearing a helmet is, by the way, mandatory for children under the age of 12. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that it should continue to be worn at all ages in order to protect the skull in case of a fall.

In mountain biking, there are several types of helmets whose specificities correspond to the discipline practiced. Knowing this, it is up to you to choose it according to your intention of use, your expectations and your temerity. Here is a quick comparative of mountain bike helmets available on the market:

  • The classic mountain bike helmet: light and airy, it's aimed at beginners riding on big trails or cross-country riders looking for aerodynamics.
  • The all-mountain mountain bike helmet: with a wraparound shape and a visor, it provides more protection for the neck and eyes. Ideal for the enduro!"
  • The full face helmet monobloc: as its name suggests, it offers full protection of the head (skull, neck and face). It is reserved for riders who practice downhill (DH) and hurtle down the slopes at full speed.
  • The modular full face helmet: this model features a detachable chin strap, which allows it to be transformed into an all-mountain helmet. A feature prized by mountain endurists: they can ride without a chin strap on strenuous climbs and then put it back on during steep, winding descents.

Mountain bike gear for the upper body

Who says gear, says cycle outfit!

Well-chosen mountain bike clothing is quite an art: it must both protect your body from branches and shocks, allow you to ride without overheating or feeling cold, and provide comfort to endure hours in the saddle without pain. A real challenge! Fortunately, Ekoï is here to help you select the must-have pieces for your mountain biker wardrobe.

The mountain bike jersey, for riding with ease

Forget your cotton shirt right away: in cycling, synthetic fiber is king. The technical materials known as breathable are a must in the sports world. So you should turn to a mountain bike jersey made of polyester or eco-friendly fibers, such as bamboo or tencel, to avoid the "sponge" effect of cotton that soaks up moisture. These ingenious textiles offer optimal breathability thanks to their airy structure that promotes air circulation.

There are almost as many mountain bike jerseys as there are disciplines. Indeed, the risk of accident and the severity of the consequences generated vary according to the difficulty of the terrain, the profile of the rider and the commitment of the outings. Clothing also meets different objectives, depending on whether you are looking for speed or maximum freedom of movement in your tricks, for example.

The cut is the first element to determine: it will be particularly close to the body for cross-country where speed and performance take precedence. Also fairly slim-fitting for all-mountain biking, the shape becomes fuller in enduro for more comfort, or even wide in DH in order to slip in its protections. The fabric is more robust and reinforced in places.

While short-sleeve models are popular in XC, 3/4-sleeves and long sleeves are interesting for more extreme disciplines since they protect the skin of the arms more against scratches and abrasions.

Bike underwear, to wick away sweat

When mountain biking, no surprise: you sweat! Technical underwear, also known as baselayer or underwear, is just as essential as the jersey, even in summer.

In hot weather, tucking a tank top or short-sleeved undergarment under your MTB shirt helps regulate moisture and wash away sweat effectively. Very light and extremely thin, it becomes one with your skin and is forgotten as soon as you put it on. It is also your best ally in winter in its long sleeve version. Its thermoregulating and thicker fabric brings warmth to the body.

The thermal jacket, to insulate from the cold

In winter, or at least when the thermometer drops, the priority is to keep your body warm. But the stakes are twofold, because your clothes must also allow you to stay dry. Good ventilation is thus still necessary.

The right reflex is to dress according to the three-layer rule: technical underwear (for sweat evacuation), a mountain bike jersey (for heat retention) and a thermal jacket (for insulation against cold).

The mountain bike jacket acts as a bulwark against the cold and usually has a water-repellent membrane to resist moisture. Some models allow riding in sub-zero temperatures. Ideal for winter hiking enthusiasts in mountainous regions!

Note that in autumn or spring, the thermal jacket is not necessarily de rigueur. The combination of an undergarment and a long-sleeved jersey can be quite sufficient if the climate is mild in mid-season.

The windbreaker, to block the wind

A nice little summer breeze on the way up can quickly turn into a chilly draft on the way down.

Our advice: always plan to carry a windbreaker with you. Designed in an ultra-lightweight compressible material, this space-saving garment fits easily in your pocket or backpack. You'll be happy to throw it on if the wind picks up or before you hit the slope.

If it's cold, you can choose a softshell windbreaker for a nice warmth boost.

The waterproof jacket, for going out in the rain

The weather can play tricks on you and ruin your outing: unexpected showers are not uncommon. You may also just want to ride on a rainy day, a real treat! However, beware, as precipitation makes the terrain slippery and tricky: rocks that rise to the surface of the ground, obstacles hidden by water runoff, multiple puddles, loss of grip... That being said, you're going to want to dress appropriately to keep your ride in the rain a pleasure.

There are 100% waterproof rain jackets weighing only a hundred grams or so, created specifically to keep you safe from the elements. Minimal bulk, maximum protection!

Whether it's windy, rainy, snowy or haily, a hardshell waterproof jacket will provide the perfect shield to outwit the elements and stay dry.

Mountain bike gear for the lower body

Just like the upper body, the lower body requires special gear. Let's take a closer look at what gear to choose to dress your legs when you're a mountain biker.

The shorts, for the XC enthusiast

Road cyclists aren't the only ones who wear bib shorts: bib shorts are a key piece of clothing for cross-country enthusiasts. It also appeals to mountain bike enthusiasts.

Whether short or long, with or without suspenders, the mountain bike shorts perfectly hug the pelvis and thighs like a second skin. Be careful, however, that it does not compress you too much, at the risk of disrupting the effort. It has siliconized bands at the ends to prevent it from coming up when pedaling.

At the crotch, a padded insert helps absorb vibrations and jolts at the buttocks: this is called the dew seat pad. Made of gel or foam, this pad determines the comfort level of your ride. Choose it of quality and adapted to your morphology. Indeed, the chamois are not the same for men and women to respect the anatomy of each.

The mountain bike shorts, for a casual look

Many people don't care for the road racer look and prefer to adopt a more casual look. That's where the mountain bike shorts reveal their potential! With its flared cut, they are part of the DNA of mountain biking and fit into the dress code of enduro and DH riders.

Beyond the aesthetic criteria, it is above all a technical garment that comes in different models:

  • the short and light shorts ensuring optimal air circulation;
  • the long shorts designed in a more resistant fabric, dedicated to lovers of strong sensations in DH, enduro or freeride.

The mountain bike shorts are usually adjustable at the waist so you can adjust it to your liking. An elastic band on the back allows for easy movement during tricks. They can be fitted with a skin to make practice more comfortable.

Pants, to preserve the legs

In summer and winter, mountain bike pants are out!"

In contrast to shorts or shorts, they protect the entire leg against rock throws and bramble scratches on single tracks. It's also extra protection in case of a fall. Some models are reinforced at the knees for this purpose. That's why many seasoned riders or beginners favor its use for safety purposes.

Mountain bike pants feature a rather loose fit up to the mid-leg, then tightened from the knees to the ankles so as not to impede limb movement. They are abrasion resistant and come in lightweight versions for summer, and warm and waterproof for winter.

The undershorts, for comfortable pedaling

Do you not have the possibility of inserting a skin in your mountain bike shorts and you want more comfort for your rides? The alternative is to use an undershort.

Undershorts come with several advantages:

  • an ergonomic skin that is thick and plush;
  • a thin textile compatible with the wearing of a cycling sock;
  • a stretchy, breathable mesh fabric;
  • a reduction of friction and chafing.

Bref, the undershorts greatly promote comfort in the saddle!

Bike shoes, to avoid slipping

In the same way as the cotton t-shirt, sneakers and sports shoes are to be put away! In mountain biking, special shoes are needed to provide adhesion and stability. A matter of safety, but also of comfort and performance since they facilitate pedaling. They are an integral part of mountain bike equipment!

Generally speaking, Mountain Bike Shoes are reinforced at the heel and have a stone guard at the front to protect your toes from potential impacts. The outsole can be made of different materials more or less rigid and expensive. It is equipped with small or large pads to offer a good grip. Regarding the tightening system, you will mainly find laces, velcro straps or micrometric adjustment to adjust your shoe.

Also, make sure to choose shoes that fit your size and compatible with your flat or automatic pedals (the foot is hooked to the pedal thanks to a wedge system embedded in the sole).

One last thing to know: there are season-specific models, lighter with a perforated membrane for summer, insulated and waterproof for winter.

The essential ATV accessories for safety

When it comes to mountain biking equipment, it's logical to think primarily of helmets and clothing. Yet, there are other pieces that are of paramount importance. They are the bike gloves, the glasses and the MTB protections. Far from being accessory, this equipment completes the adventurous mountain biker's panoply to overcome obstacles safely.

Mountain bike gloves, to protect the hands

Mandatory in enduro and DH races, bike gloves are a must for professionals and casual riders alike.

Some mountain biking tours involve riding on winding and very narrow trails. The vegetation is often dense and can scratch your hands on the handlebars. Wearing gloves creates a protective membrane around your hands, like a shield. They will also be better protected from scratches and injuries if you fall off your mountain bike.

In addition, the other major advantage of the Mountain Bike Glove is to absorb the vibrations generated by the passage of the wheels on the uneven ground: roots, stones, holes, bumps... It also helps to reduce the friction between the skin and the handlebars: handy to avoid painful blisters!

There are short glove models, called mittens, popular in cross-country and hiking. Long gloves cover the entirety of the phalanges. They offer increased protection for extreme practices and insulate from the cold in winter.

Among the features of the gloves, the palm features gel pads to absorb shock, with varying degrees of padding depending on the desired level of comfort and expected riding feel. A non-slip surface promotes grip on the handlebar. The upper part of the glove, on the back of the hand, is made of a breathable fabric for breathability.

Mountain bike goggles, to prevent splashing

It is imperative to wear goggles when mountain biking, even if you have good eyesight or the weather is cloudy. Riding down the mountain at full speed, slaloming between trees and pedaling through scree is not without risk to your eyes. Projections of pebbles, mud or dust, common in mountain biking, can damage these sensitive organs irreversibly.

Glasses are also a bulwark against insects, wind, rain, and of course UV rays. To keep your eyes well protected from the sun's rays, choose category 3 glasses or category 1-2 if it's overcast. They must be approved with the CE mark.

When it comes to the type of lenses for your glasses, you will have a choice between polarized, photochromic or mirror lenses. Note that it is possible to buy glasses with corrective lenses adapted to your eyesight from some manufacturers.

Protections, for serene riding

Feelings, yes, scars, no thanks! In mountain biking, protections are crucial for most disciplines, especially in DH and freeride where falls can be impressive and cause serious damage.

There are protections for every part of the body, designed to preserve bones and joints:

  • the back protector for the spine;
  • cervical protection;
  • the elbow pads;
  • the wrist guards;
  • the knee pads;
  • the shin guards;
  • the ankle guards;

Some are more or less reinforced and rigid depending on the commitment of the pilot and his preferred discipline.

This is where our guide ends: you now know what ATV gear to choose to ride safely on your favorite exploration terrains! How about learning more about the basics of mountain biking or the different disciplines of mountain biking?

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