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Road cycling rules under the microscope

Beyond the good reflexes to know when cycling, it is imperative to respect the Highway Code common to all users. But there are also specificities specific to bicycle traffic with a panel of cycling rules to be applied in the city or outside built-up areas. Zoom in on the rights, duties and prohibitions imposed by the rules in road cycling.

Bicycle traffic: what duties?

Riding a bicycle means facing a risk of accident. It is important to be aware of this in order to be vigilant at all times. Whether in the city or outside urbanized areas, the cyclist is vulnerable to motorized vehicles. Likewise, they represent an additional danger to pedestrians.

Please be aware of this

Knowing and respecting the Highway Code is therefore essential, and mandatory, so that every user can circulate safely. In addition, you have a duty to comply with the regulations specific to road cycling.

To Know:

  • use the bike lanes present on the course and marked on the ground;
  • move in small groups so as not to clutter the road (10 cyclists maximum);
  • equip your bike with a horn and a lighting system to ride at night or in low light;
  • equip your child with a helmet (mandatory for those under 12, but highly recommended for all cyclists).

Riding a bike: what rights?

Legislation grants you certain rights to enhance your cycling experience.

This allows you to ride two abreast on the roadway while making sure to pull over in single file if a driver is trying to pass you, if it's dark or if visibility is poor.

In urban areas, the regulations allow you to stay on your bike in pedestrian areas, as long as you ride at a slow speed and do not interfere with pedestrians. Within these pedestrian streets, you can also circulate carefully in the opposite direction and thus ignore the one-way signs, just as in 30-zone areas.

What do the rules prohibit in road cycling?

Beware: just because you're riding your bike doesn't give you the right to disregard traffic laws. It is therefore forbidden to run a red light or a stop sign! Except in the cases mentioned above, you must respect the road signs in the same way as cars, trucks and two-wheelers.

You also incur a fine for failure to comply with the following prohibitions:

  • riding on the sidewalk (only possible for children under 8 years old);
  • wearing headphones or earphones while pedaling;
  • use your phone while cycling;
  • cycling after drinking alcohol (the authorized limit is 0.2 mg per liter of exhaled air).

Note that your driver's license can even be suspended for a serious bicycle violation.

Now that you're up to speed on the rules of cycling, why not familiarize yourself with the bike school regulations?


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