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When should you eat for a long bike ride?

You've decided to take on cyclosportives. Along with training, it is necessary to focus on nutrition to succeed in your long race. After discovering what diet to follow for a cyclist, today we offer you a focus to see when to eat for a long bike race.

What type of diet to follow for cycling

If you're wondering what type of diet to adopt for cycling, you should know that first and foremost, the most important thing is to adopt a balanced diet. The practice of a physical activity - especially in the case of an endurance activity such as cycling - leads to an increase in energy expenditure that must be compensated for when eating. This is valid before, during and after the effort. From the day before an event, it is necessary to build up reserves by filling up on starchy foods (whole grains). After the effort, do not neglect the recovery which also involves a diet adapted to replenish glycogen reserves.

What foods should you focus on before the start of a race?

You're getting ready to start a cyclosportive and you're wondering what foods should you focus on before the start of a race?
Before the start, you should favor low glycemic index foods (whole grains: wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta and rice, dried fruit, etc.). Ideally, to respect digestion, this meal should be eaten 3 to 4 hours before the start, but since the start is often very early, the breakfast can be eaten up to 1 hour before the start of the race. This breakfast may be supplemented with a waiting drink to be consumed before the start.

What foods should be favored during exercise.

In order to improve your performance, you are wondering what foods should be favored during exercise?
During exercise, you need to provide glucose (sugar) in sufficient and regular quantities to maintain blood sugar levels. For this, you should favor the range of sports nutrition consisting of cereal bars, energy gels but also fruit pastes and fruit compotes. In case of a long-distance race or training, you can add salty snacks such as savory cakes or pies. Finally, don't forget to hydrate regularly by drinking a 500ml canister per hour filled with an energy drink or water to which you add syrup or sugar cubes.

Now that you know when to eat for a long bike race, how about finding out what a professional bike racer's diet is?


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