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How do I adjust my vision when I ride my bike?

For a serene cycling experience, it is important to preserve your well-being when cycling. Cyclist wellness involves several parameters around cycling (nutrition, hydration, recovery, etc.). And, when one has vision problems, one inevitably wonders how to adapt one's eyesight when cycling.

Should you prefer glasses or contact lenses when cycling?

If you suffer from vision problems (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia, etc.), you need to find a solution to adapt your eyesight to safely enjoy your favorite activity.
To do this, you're probably wondering: should you prefer glasses or contact lenses for cycling? This will depend in part on your preferences and practice.
Lenses have the advantage of being able to be worn with any pair of cycling glasses or sports glasses: therefore, you will have a wider choice of models at your disposal. On the downside, wind and dust could irritate your eyes during long-distance rides in particular.
If you opt for glasses, your choice might be a bit narrowed, but with optical inserts or bike glasses with corrective lenses, you'll be able to enjoy a perfect fit for your eyesight with compatible bike glasses.

What eyewear for cycling?

If you're wondering what eyeglasses to use for biking, you should know that the answer will depend primarily on your practice.
If your bike is your commute to work, your regular pair of eyeglasses will be fine. If you cycle for leisure or in competition, your classic glasses will quickly become uncomfortable: indeed, they are likely to slip on your nose with sweat or to tighten your head. Moreover, they will protect you less effectively than bike-specific glasses which have a better covering power and therefore protect in case of projections (dust, gravel, mud, etc.). In addition, they come in different shades to adapt to all weather...and can also be adapted to your eyesight.

Now that you know how to adjust your eyesight when you're out cycling, how about finding out what diet to follow for a cyclist? And find out how to properly recover and prevent soreness?


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