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What distance for an Ironman?

You've probably heard of the Ironman, the extreme triathlon. But do you know the Ironman distance? Ekoï offers you a focus on the out-of-this-world distances you'll have to complete if you dream of becoming an ironman or ironwoman one day.

What are the distances of an Ironman?

First of all, it is important to know that "long distance" is not necessarily synonymous with Ironman. Indeed, long distance triathlons encompass the L to XXL formats established by the French Triathlon Federation (FFTRI). The Ironman competition, on the other hand, is a label held by the World triathlon corporation (WTC) and is equivalent to an XXL triathlon.

So what is the total distance of an Ironman? You'll need to cover no less than 226 km in order to complete an Ironman!"

The distance is as follows

Here are the exact distances you'll need to cover for each event in the chained discipline:

  • 3.8 km swim;
  • 180 km of cycling;
  • 42.195 km of running.

A mileage that owes nothing to chance, as these original distances were modeled on those of the three most demanding races in Hawaii, the birthplace of triathlon: Waikiki roughwater swim, Around-Oahu bike race and the Honolulu Marathon.

What are the time limits for an Ironman?

To be crowned a true "Iron Man" or "Iron Woman," you'll certainly need to cross the finish line, but within the time limit. That's right, there are time barriers that must be met!

Each event has its own "cut-off times" informed in its rules. Generally speaking, most Ironman events must be completed in 16 to 17 hours, all inclusive. Transitions, refueling and bathroom breaks included!

In addition, there are time thresholds for both transitions:

  • the swimming event must be completed in less than 2 h 20 min;
  • the bike must be redeposited maximum 10 h 30 min after the start of the triathlon.

These time constraints imply being comfortable in all three sports in order to complete the race in its entirety.

What is the Ironman world record?

On the women's side, Daniela Ryf, a Swiss triathlete, is the record holder on the Ironman World Championship. A feat accomplished in 2018 after an effort of 8 h 26 min 16 s.

Among the men, Germany's Jan Frodeno takes the record on the Kona course with a time of 7 h 51 min 13 s in 2019.

He also holds the best time over an Ironman distance, 7:35:39 set in 2016 at the Roth Challenge, an XXL triathlon once labeled Ironman. British triathlete Chrissie Wellington, who has been unchallenged since 2011, meanwhile, stands out with a time of 8 h 18 min 13 s at the same event.

So are you ready to take on one of the toughest competitions in the world? If so, check out the List of Ironman in France or the Ironman internationally to choose where to compete in this incredible race.



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