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How to choose your bike lock ?

In 2020, nearly 300,000 French households were the victims of a theft or attempted theft of their bicycle (Insee). There is only one solution to stop this scourge: the bike lock. But how to choose an effective protection among the eclectic offer on the market? U-shaped lock, cable, chain... so many useful models to secure your frame and your bike wheels. We help you to see more clearly.

The degree of security of bike locks

While bike locks are an essential investment to protect your cycle from criminals, they don't all offer the same level of security against theft. Do you cherish your bike like the apple of your eye? Then don't skimp on the choice of your lock.
The budget allocated to the acquisition of an anti-theft device is generally proportional to the price of the bike. A 2,000 € racing bike will attract more interest from malicious individuals than an old bike at the end of its life. Therefore, plan to spend at least 15% of the cycle's price on your anti-theft device.

The different types of bike locks

The code or key lock cable offers a minimal level of security. Its usefulness is limited to securing bike accessories (panniers, helmets, saddles, etc.), but it won't prevent a thief from stealing your cycle. It can be used as a complement to a more important protection.
The anti-theft chain already provides better guarantees against theft. Flexible, but strong, it is easily attached to the bike and urban structures thanks to its maneuverability. The thicker the links of the chain, the higher the level of protection.
The U-shaped anti-theft lock provides optimal security for the bike. These high-security locks are particularly resistant and generally deter thieves in their attempts to break in.
The folding lock is an interesting alternative to the traditional U-shaped lock. Its main asset: the articulation of its arms, which makes the attachment system easy and versatile while offering space savings.
The frame lock, or horseshoe lock, attaches to the bike frame at the rear wheel. It causes the wheel to lock when an attempt is made to move the cycle. A quick to engage protection, but one that is recommended to be reserved for short stops.

The art of securing your cycle with a bike lock

As you will have understood, cable locks that cut off with a snap are to be avoided if used alone.
The best option is to combine two anti-theft protections (U + chain or U + cable) especially for long stops. Ideally, you want to secure the bike frame, front wheel, rear wheel and seat. For example, the U can encompass the frame, front wheel and fixed point, while a chain completes the securing by connecting the rear wheel, attachment point and seat post.
In any case, be sure to close the locks properly and choose a sturdy and sufficiently high attachment element.


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