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How to choose your city bike helmet?

Whether it's to get to work, go shopping or go out on the weekend, cycling in the city is on the rise! While it is a great way to get around the city, using it requires certain safety measures. Traffic, repeated traffic lights, traffic circles and lack of bike lanes are all factors that can lead to a cyclist falling. To reduce the risk of head injury, an urban helmet or road bike helmet is essential. So how do you choose your city bike helmet? Follow the guide to riding safely and well protected.

City bike helmet: mandatory or not?

The law is clear: since 2017, wearing a bicycle helmet is mandatory for children under 12 years old. They must imperatively be equipped with an approved child helmet when they have the handlebars in their hands or if they are passengers. This measure aims to protect the youngest from the many dangers of the road. Be aware that in case of non-compliance with this instruction, you are exposed to a fixed fine of 135 €, which can sometimes reach 750 €. Whether you are a child, teenager or adult, wearing a helmet is still highly recommended. When riding in the city, there is no such thing as zero risk. In the event of a fall, a suitable helmet will help absorb the impact to the head.

Electric bike helmet: mandatory or not?

Do you use an electrically assisted bicycle (EAB) for your urban travel? Two possibilities: its speed is limited to 25 km/h: wearing a helmet is not required, but strongly recommended; its speed can reach 45 km/h: this type of speedbike is considered a moped, you are obliged to wear a specific helmet (a standard bicycle helmet is not enough).

What standard to check before choosing your helmet?

Bicycle helmets require compliance with French and European legislation regarding personal protective equipment. Your urban helmet must be approved according to the NF EN 1078+A1 standard or NF EN 1080 for impact protection helmets for young children. Certain information must appear on the helmet, such as the "CE" marking, which attests to compliance with the regulations in force. An approved helmet is a guarantee of reliability and safety!

Should you wear a high-visibility helmet?

Biking in the city means riding in an urban environment used by many users: motorists, motorized two-wheelers, pedestrians, fellow cyclists, scooter riders... Vigilance and visibility are required! Wearing a brightly colored helmet, often fluorescent yellow, enhances your safety in urban environments, especially if you are used to riding at night. It is a good complement to the required lighting when the luminosity is insufficient (in case of rain or fog and at nightfall). Good to know: outside built-up areas, the law requires the wearing of the high visibility vest if it is reduced.

What model of bicycle helmet to choose for the city?

A bicycle helmet always consists of a rigid outer shell (protection), an inner structure (impact absorption), foam pads (comfort) and adjustment means (straps, chinstrap and knob). Here are 3 criteria to consider when choosing your city bike helmet: The shape: choose a helmet that covers to wrap your head optimally and protect it in case of collision. Ideal for city riding, the round-shaped bowl helmet is popular with city cyclists who ride a short distance. You can also choose a helmet with visor to keep your eyes out of the rain. Aeration: the breathable aspect of the helmet is to be taken into account if you practice long daily bike rides, to go to work for example. A more sporty practice requires ventilation points on the outer shell to avoid arriving at the office in sweat. In this case, a road bike helmet or mountain bike helmet will do the job perfectly. The design: manufacturers offer a range of urban helmets available in several colors and styles. Discreet, elegant or variegated, you will be spoilt for choice among a whole host of helmets! If you dream of a unique model, know that some helmets are customizable according to your tastes.

How to choose the right size for your urban helmet

Have you found a city bike helmet you like? The best helmet will be first and foremost the one that is the right size: you should absolutely check this aspect. This is the sine qua non condition for effective protection. Measure your head circumference with a tape measure, just above the eyebrows. Then refer to the size chart on the manufacturer's website to find the one that fits you. To adjust the helmet to your size, first adjust the rear knob, the side straps, and then the chin strap under the chin. Your bike helmet should fit your head perfectly and properly support the skull without compressing it. With these tips, you're ready to choose the city bike helmet that will accompany you on all your urban trips. Remember, ride covered!


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