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How to repaint your bike frame in 3 steps

How about giving your cycle a new lease on life or customizing your bike frame? Good news: repainting a bike frame is frankly not rocket science. It's possible to achieve a flawless result by following a few simple rules and using the right spray paint. Find out how to repaint your bike like new in 3 steps.

1. Choose a quality paint

The quality of the paint used plays a key role! So, make sure you opt for a high-end paint that will withstand your many cycling trips.
Also, choose a spray paint that is suitable for your bike frame. Some manufacturers, such as Spray Bike, offer versatile cans for aluminum, steel and carbon frames.
There are a whole farandole of paint types to update your bike frame: glossy or matte effect, sober, bright or fluorescent colors, metallic hues...
As for the necessary equipment, make sure to equip yourself with a protective mask, gloves, goggles and old clothes (or apron) in order to protect yourself against possible splashes. Also consider laying out a tarp on the floor or cardboard boxes to avoid leaving paint marks.

2. Prepare your bike frame: sanding and priming

Before spraying paint, it is essential to properly prepare your bike:
degrease the bike frame and fork, then clean and dry them properly;
sand the areas to be painted with fine-grit sandpaper to allow for good paint adhesion;
apply an anti-corrosion primer undercoat to prevent the paint from peeling and maximize its life.
We recommend that you disassemble your bike to make handling easier. Remove the saddle, handlebars, crankset, wheels... in short all the accessories of the bike to isolate the frame and fork to be repainted.

3. Repainting the bike frame with a spray can

Is your bike frame ready? Set up outside or in an area with enough ventilation to avoid inhaling paint odors.
Next, arm yourself with your spray can to apply the first coat. Spray on the frame about 10 centimeters away, keeping the spray bottle upright. Let it dry for a few hours. If you notice any irregularities, use sandpaper again to sand down the imperfections and get a better result.
Repeat the operation for the second coat. Allow 12 h to 24 h of drying time. Don't hesitate to apply a top coat or clear varnish to improve the paint's hold over time.
Feel like an original and unique bike? Multiple colors, stencils of all shapes and adhesive tapes are all tools to customize your bike frame ... the only limit is your imagination! So, ready to create the bike of your dreams?


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