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Wellness when you are a cyclist

When you want to start cycling, as a new cyclist, you are bound to have a billion questions. In addition to the choice of equipment (bike, etc.), outfit (jersey, shorts, helmet, shoes, etc.), it is also necessary to worry about your well-being when you are a cyclist. If you're wondering what it consists of, we give you all the answers in this little guide.

What is wellness when you are a cyclist.

In cycling wellness, we encompass everything about:

    • The preparation and recovery from an outing in order to prevent soreness in particular;

    • The fooding of the cyclist before, during and after an effort to optimize his performance.

      And, if you have vision problems, it also involves:
    • The adaptation of your eyesight to facilitate your cycling.

What diet should a cyclist follow?

When you are interested in cycling, you are bound to wonder what diet to follow for a cyclist. Indeed, when you start cycling or want to go further in your practice, for example in preparation for a cyclosportive, diet is a key factor in the performance of the cyclist. And cyclist nutrition concerns both energy drinks and food - solid or liquid - to be consumed before, during or after the effort. For this, you can possibly be inspired by what professional cyclists are used to consume during events like the Tour de France for example or follow our advice. This is obviously part of a balanced diet on a daily basis.

How to recover well and prevent muscle soreness.

When you start cycling, in order to be able to string together rides, you inevitably wonder how to recover well in order to prevent soreness. This recovery involves several things: rest, stretching, good hydration after training (favor a sodium-rich soda), taking a hot bath to soothe sore muscles, etc.
To prevent soreness before your bike ride, listen to your body: moderate your effort if you haven't done it in a long time and increase the intensity as you go, and remember to warm up before the workout for about ten minutes. Similarly, at the end of the workout, stretch or at least walk for about ten minutes to avoid stopping your effort violently. Also remember to hydrate well before, during and after the effort.

How do I adjust my eyesight during my cycling trips?

When cycling, it is recommended to wear glasses in order to protect your eyes from the various projections to which they may be subjected. If the amount of models of bicycle glasses is vast, it can become problematic when you have vision problems. If you are in this case, you are bound to wonder how to adjust my eyesight during my cycling trips? There are two ways to do this: wear contact lenses underneath regular cycling glasses or use bike glasses adapted to your eyesight thanks, in most cases, to an insert placed between the lens of the glasses and your eye to allow you to see normally while being perfectly protected and adopting a cycling look.

Now that you know all about wellness when cycling, how about finding out what road cycling is? Do you also know about other cycling disciplines? For you, what is gravel? Do you want to know everything about mountain biking? Finally, find out the answers to practical questions you've been asking yourself.


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