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What are the rules in road cycling?

While you don't need a driver's license to ride a bike, it is mandatory to follow the law. Do you use your bicycle to go to work? To go for a ride? To train for a cycling competition? The moment you ride your bike, you put yourself at risk for an accident. Review your road cycling rules with Ekoï!

The Rules of the Road for Cyclists

Casual riders as well as seasoned racers must comply with the rules in force, starting with the Highway Code. That's right, the latter applies to all road users: motor vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles!

A quick reminder is in order:

  • respect traffic signs (yield, stop, one-way);
  • stop at traffic lights at amber and red;
  • enforce the rules of priority.

City Road Cycling Rules

You need to be especially careful in urban areas where there are many road users.

In the city, you are required to ride in the bike lanes, which are reserved for cyclists. If the lane you are riding in is not equipped with these lanes, you may of course ride on the roadway, keeping well to the right.

In the city, you are required to ride in the bike lanes

In encounter zones or within the perimeter of a Zone 30, the law also allows you to ride in the opposite direction with due care.

At roundabouts and intersections, signal your change of direction by holding out your arm. This replaces the turn signal!"

Out-of-Town Traffic Rules

On country roads, traffic is generally lighter, but speed is higher. Beware of air currents and lack of visibility when turning.

When driving in the country, you should be aware of the following

When riding in a group, you are allowed to ride side-by-side with one of your fellow riders. But single file becomes necessary in poor visibility and whenever it's dark or a vehicle issues an audible warning of its intent to pass you.

Your pack will not be able to keep up

Does your peloton include more than ten cyclists? Then you need to divide yourself into two groups.

In accordance with the Bike School Rules, youth training in the club are committed to following the Highway Code, both outside and inside built-up areas.

Mandatory equipment and prohibitions

Don't forget that helmets must be worn by children under the age of 12.

Similarly, poor visibility requires proper equipment: high visibility vest and rear and front lights.

Your bike must also be equipped with a bell, under penalty of a fixed fine of 11 €. That's right!

Last important point: it is strictly forbidden to ride your bike with headphones or helmets.

Now that you know all about road cycling rules, how about learning more about cycling events?


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